Senin, 28 Februari 2011

goes to bandung (yeaaay :D)

February 24, precisely on thursdays ago i went to bandung  with a group of  my  beloved school haha you know, i'm so excited. we visited some place in bandung, stasiun bumi indosat, waduk jatiluhur, museum sri baduga, and of course we visit cihampelas too hehe. This is some photo of me when i'm in bandung.

has arrived at stasiun bumi indosat

one room of stasiun bumi indosat

let's walk, so hoooot huh (at waduk jatiluhur)

at museum sri baduga, its a great place to know our history

 mia, vivi, me and tari

 izky, tari, me and vivi
you know, we capture it inside of museum sri baduga hihi

actually there's many photo of me, but in my friend's camera hihi, love it :)

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